Friday, January 21, 2011

Can Mother Nature Destroy Herself?

One problem the non-religious have with the religious, is that the latter see humanity as "unique," and a "higher form of being" than other life on earth.

This sticks in the craw of the non-religious because to them it is obvious that humanity is far from "special," and is in actual fact a scourge upon the earth. Whereas other animals live in general harmony with the earth's ecological system, it is humans which pollute and abuse the planet's resources. Humans are definitely not a "higher form of being," but by all intents and purposes, a "lower form of being," destroying the earth for it's selfish purposes.

It is from such a perspective that these words (which I have often heard) are uttered,  "Mother nature is going to wipe humanity out, because we are destroying the earth."

I find this perspective very intriguing, because the non-religious do not realize that by making that statement they are in actual fact admitting that humanity is "unique" and "different from other species." This is because the statement implies that humans are in some way different from mother nature. But this is not the case. Humans are mother nature. We are not separate from mother nature. We came from the bowels of the earth just like every other creature. So if we are polluting and abusing the earth, it is mother nature herself who is abusing and polluting herself. Surely we can see the connection here?

So it is quite accurate to say that, currently, mother nature is in the process of destroying herself. At first we may have said, No, that is not possible. But how else can we truly understand what is happening? Either we admit that humans are different than other species, and in effect, different than mother nature, or we admit that it is within reason that mother nature could actually destroy herself.

She has created a nuclear bomb that could seriously destroy the earth and set her back millions of years. With the press of a nuclear rocket button, she could, in effect, commit suicide (of course, life would eventually crop up again, but it would nevertheless be a devastating reality.) The question is, will she do it? Will mother nature (humanity) continue to plunder and destroy her own natural resources? Will she pull the trigger and let loose the nuclear bomb? Will we destroy the human species along with a good portion of the biosphere? All this remains to be seen...

We need to stop looking at mother nature in terms of "other," for we are mother nature, and so the responsibility for the safe-keeping of the planet lies in our hands. We have a tremendous responsibility for the earth. In us, mother nature can choose selfishness and pride, and in so doing cause destructiveness and death. Yet, in us, she can also live in harmony with herself, and with all creatures and the earth.

We need to grow up, and recognize the great responsibility we have to safeguard the future of the earth.

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